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A rights group demands that the Disability Act be put into effect

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Project Enable Africa’s Executive Director, Mr. Olusola Owonikoko, has given stakeholders the task of cooperating to carry out the Persons with Disabilities Prohibition Act.

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The call was made by the group’s founder, Owonikoko, during the Disability Inclusion and Leadership (DIAL) Awards and Dialogue Night in Abuja.

Project Enable is a community development initiative that was started in 2014 to support the rights and self-determination of Nigerians with disabilities, according to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN).

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The organization believed that no one should be subjected to prejudice on the basis of their disability and that everyone deserved to live happy lives.

The organization works to promote disability rights at all levels, empower individuals with disabilities, and increase community awareness of the need to lessen stigma and discrimination.

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Owonikoko says that Nigeria should not have waited 18 years to enact the bill, considering how crucial it is to enhancing the welfare and quality of life for people with disabilities.

It is simple to think that we have an Act and to move on, but we must remember that history will repeat itself if we do not pay attention to it and record it.

“We need to understand how the numerous bills and acts pertaining to disabilities that are yet to be passed will not take 18 years, as the Nigerian Disability Act required years of advocacy and struggle to pass,” he stated.

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