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Speaker Abbas tells Nigerians: “We are not as rich as you think”

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Tajudeen Abbas, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, has disclosed that MPs are not as wealthy as Nigerians believe, adding that they do not earn N30 million each week.

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Abbas stated this on Wednesday in Abuja during an interactive session with legislative reporters hosted by the House of Representatives’ ad hoc committee on Media and Public Affairs.

Speaking through House Minority Leader Kingsley Chinda, the speaker pleaded with the media to help alter the perception that parliamentarians are extremely wealthy.

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Abbas refuted reports that Nigerian lawmakers earn significantly more than American legislators, claiming that the legislature was the government’s “unsung arm.”

“You are aware that the parliament is the government’s unsung arm,” he remarked. You are the cooks for a lot of the food that people eat. Because we are partners in Nigeria’s project, you were invited. I’ve remembered you.

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“This branch of government is not as wealthy as it appears. You’ve probably heard that members take home N30 million every week. You will also hear that Nigerian politicians earn significantly more than American legislators. Only you can help them write this incorrectly.

“While we are not willing to deceive the media, we do ask that you provide accurate information.” Please use the ad hoc committee. Relate to them and publish the truth. It will be beneficial to us. We don’t have another country.

“We require the media. We will need to collaborate with you. The goal is not to destroy the country, but to make it a better place. Let your information be information that will not destroy us, but rather information that will correct societal wrongs.”

Also speaking, House Majority Leader Julius Ihonvbere claimed that the media was the most despised branch of government.

He also urged the media to accurately report the operations of the parliament, noting that the legislature is the most unpopular branch of government.

He stated:

“How many people are aware of the number of institutions for which the House is responsible?” We don’t tell our story. How many motions are there in the 9th House? It does not exist. We will do all in our power to support those who work in the media and on media-related problems.

“They still believe we are given constituency funds.” We are not afraid of people who are hostile. We’re making a lot of suggestions.

“It is the most despised branch of government.” We are not concerned, but we want everyone to hear the narrative. We want you to acquire the facts and spread the word. We will collaborate with this ad hoc committee so that the results will assist us deliver. We are eager to collaborate with you and hear your ideas.”

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