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Minna residents are concerned about the activities of supposed ‘Yahoo boys

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Residents of the Gbeganu neighborhood, a suburb of Niger State’s capital, Minna, have voiced worry about the purported activities of Yahoo boys in the region.

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janescope learned that their concerns stemmed from an increase in criminality in the neighborhood.

Concerns were heightened after some of the accused Yahoo lads rented an apartment near a building where a Boko Haram sect member was apprehended by local security personnel.

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The majority of the suspected Yahoo boys are described as unusual faces in the town.

According to residents who talked with janescope, several of the alleged Yahoo lads are frequently seen with outrageous haircuts and earrings, and they only enter and exit the property they rented in the morning and nighttime hours.

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“We believe they are recruiting new recruits to continue their criminal operations unhindered. We are consequently afraid, as we recollect a member of the Boko Haram sect being arrested in this region. “And the house they rented, a former lodge, is not far from the house where the sect member was arrested,” one of the residents explained.

Regarding the development, Isah Mustapha, a resident of the region, emphasized the importance of ongoing observation of their activities in order to clear the neighborhood of criminals.

He also urged the Niger State Government, the state police command, and other security agencies to act quickly to prevent a collapse of law and order.

Similarly, Aisha Abubakar, another resident, asked landlords to do background checks and ask appropriate questions before renting out their homes to avoid housing people with questionable reputation.

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