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High degree of unease brought on by the police force’s sidelining—ex-CP

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Gabriel Achong, a former Akwa Ibom State commissioner of police, attributed the high degree of unrest in the nation on the “sidelining” of the Nigeria Police Force.

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He stated that many other security agencies have taken over the function of internal security, even though the police are the official agency tasked with managing it.

Additionally, he claimed that some people are profiting greatly on the nation’s instability.

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At the Nigeria Police Force’s Zone 6 Headquarters in Calabar, where 47 new Assistant Superintendents of Police were welcomed into the Officers’ Mess, Achong gave a speech.

He alerted the public to the fact that internal security arrangements had been breached, giving bandits and other armed insurgents a field day in several sections of the nation.

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Despite its achievements and high standards, he claims that the Nigeria Police Force receives inadequate funding.

“Funding for the Nigerian Police is inadequate. Even when all the security forces are combined, they cannot match the resources that the police have, but the police are still given less attention.

“Someone else is trying to assume the role of the police. Nigeria faces numerous security challenges as a result of the police force’s inability to carry out its duties. There is a breach in internal security.

“Armed insurgencies such as Boko Haram, banditry, and herdsmen attacks will cease if they allow the police to handle internal security as it should.”

The former CP claimed, “People are profiting from these crimes simply because the police are ignored.”


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