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The only way to save Nigeria, IPOB says, is to release Nnamdi Kanu

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On Saturday, IPOB (Indigenous People of Biafra) declared that releasing Nigeria’s leader, Nnamdi Kanu, was the only option for the country’s survival.

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This comment was made by IPOB when they were criticizing the Save Nigeria Movement, SNM, for their criticism of House ad-hoc Committee Chairman, Obinna Aguocha’s comment on Kanu.

Following the investigation by the ad hoc committee, Obinna Aguocha, a Nigerian lawmaker, had demanded that Kanu be released from solitary prison without any conditions.

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After lengthy debate in the chambers about the state of security across Nigeria, with a focus on the Southeast, the chairman of the ad hoc Committee concluded that releasing Kanu was the best way to permanently cease violence in the region.

IPOB, on the other hand, claimed that the shadowy Save Nigeria Movement (SNM) showed its naivete by attacking and petitioning the Federal House of Representatives ad hoc Committee Chairman Honorable Obinna Aguocha for speaking the truth about Nnamdi KANU’s illegal detention.

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Emma Powerful, a spokesperson for IPOB, claimed that SNM was being bigoted by attacking Aguocha’s reputation.

According to a statement released by the group’s leader, “We the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) led by our great leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is saying, “how can charlatans join a group to save a dying nation and at the same time promote the death of the same country via their display of ignorance?”

“Hon. Aguocha has skin in the game in the Southeast, and as such, he has a firm grasp on what lies at the heart of the region’s instability. If the Nigerian government weren’t funding insecurity as an excuse to prolong the unjust arrest of Mazi Nnamdi KANU, they wouldn’t be using attack dogs like SNM to attack anyone who demands KANU’s release.

“The Nigerian government has no choice but to abide by the Appeal Court rulings that exonerated and acquitted Mazi Nnamdi KANU. The eyes of the world are on the Nigeria Supreme Court as it decides whether or not to legitimize the International Crime of extraordinary rendition if the government insists on the Supreme Court judgment.

Members of the SNM, if they are not fooled, should apologize for their careless language and withdraw their petition against Aguocha. Also, they need to demand that the Nigerian government obey the rulings of her own courts and release Mazi Nnamdi KANU without any conditions. If SNG wants to save Nigeria, they can do it this way.

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