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The government of Kwara has taken steps to crack down on pollution

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Mallam Shehu Ndanusa Usman, the commissioner of the environment for the state of Kwara, has said that the ministry will soon begin mass arrests of environmental violators in the state.

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On Wednesday, the commissioner made the announcement during a visit to the palace of Ibrahim Sulu Gambari, the Chairman of the Kwara State Traditional Council of Chiefs.

According to the commissioner, “the visit to the Emir’s palace was to seek the monarch’s support to take the campaign to the grassroots,” and he went on to say that fines will be linked to any such arrests.

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She reaffirmed the current administration’s resolve to end littering in the Ilorin metropolitan area and throughout the state.

According to the commissioner, the trip was meant to provide “royal assent to the war against indiscriminate dumping of refuse,” with the ultimate goal of eliminating illegal trash dumping entirely from the Ilorin metropolitan area.

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“Your Royal Highness, the Emir of Ilorin, we are here to appreciate your unalloyed support for the present administration and also to seek your blessing on the mandate given to us by His Excellency on the eradication of indiscriminate dumping of refuse in Ilorin metropolis,” he said.

To “also help us in advocacy and to sensitize our people on the need to desist from violating environmental laws,” he continued, “such as indiscriminate dumping of refuse on road medians, inside canals, and other unauthorised dumping sites.”

The Commissioner emphasized that “government will start mass arrests of environmental offenders and a fine will be attached,” and that this was the main reason he and his colleagues were in the palace: to ask for the royal father’s assistance in spreading the word and enlisting the support of the common people in order to ensure compliance.

Kwara State Traditional Council Chairman Ibrahim Sulu Gambari spoke highly of Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq’s tenure in the state.

He claims that the current administration led by Mallam AbdulRazaq has delivered on its promises made during the campaign by accomplishing a number of important goals over the course of the last four years.

As a result, Alhaji SuluGambari gave the commissioner his unwavering backing to halt trash dumping all throughout Ilorin city.

The Emir hoped that this effort will help put an end to littering and keep the state clean and healthy for residents.

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