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Nigerian Senator Pre-Orders $300,000 Flying Car, Receives Shares

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Nigerian Senator Ben Murray-Bruce has revealed that he has pre-ordered a flying car worth over $300,000 from California-based business Alef Aeronautics.

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On Friday, the former Bayelsa East Senator tweeted this, along with a photo of the black automobile and a receipt displaying the preorder notice.

Murray-Bruce, an electric car supporter, said he was “thrilled” to reveal his pre-order, adding that flying cars are no longer science fiction.

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Murray-Bruce stated that he would bring it to Nigeria and hoped that the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) would gratefully accept it.

“I am thrilled to announce my preorder of Alef, the first FAA-approved flying electric car, @AlefAeronautics!” Flying automobiles aren’t just for sci-fi anymore, proving our limitless future. I’ve been an advocate for electric vehicles for many years, and I was the first person in Nigeria to own one.

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“Here’s to the next transportation leap.” Africa, we are rising! “I’m ecstatic to bring this revolution to Nigeria, and I hope the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), @NigeriaCAA, is prepared,” he added.

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