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New Soun of Ogbomoso receives Makinde’s approval, to mixed reviews.

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The appointment of Prince Afolabi Ghandi Olaoye as the new Soun of Ogbomoso land has been met with a variety of responses.

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There are five different local government units in Ogbomoso, making it the second largest city in Oyo State.

After Oba Jimoh Oladunni Oyewumi passed away on Sunday, December 12, 2021, his seat on the throne fell vacant.

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Olaoye’s appointment as the next Soun of Ogbomoso was announced by Governor Seyi Makinde on Saturday.

The statement was issued by Makinde and signed by Olusegun Olayiwola, the Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Matters.

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In a statement provided to JANESCOPE the Governor urged the city’s natives to aid the king in building on the achievements of his ancestors.

In the statement, he congratulated the new Soun-elect on succeeding to the throne of his ancestors.

However, JANESCOPE notes that the new monarch-elect’s nomination has been met with a range of opinions.

People in the town have mixed feelings about the selection; some see it as a positive step forward, while others believe it was rigged.

The governor was urged to reverse the nomination by those who spoke out against it.

It was made clear that not everyone in the Olaoye family agreed with the choice. They were quite critical of Prince Afolabi Olaoye’s appointment as the next Soun of Ogbomoso.

Prince Lateef Olaoye, a member of the Olaoye family, told DAILY POST on Monday that his family does not accept the selection.

According to Prince Lateef Olaoye, the Olaoye family stopped accepting forms before Prince Afolabi Olaoye decided to run.

He also mentioned that individuals who disagree with the choice have filed a lawsuit that is still being heard.

The family as a whole did not agree with his choice, he stated. Several cases involving this issue have been filed in court. Royalty such as Prince Kabir Olaoye of Ile-Ife.

Everyone in the household despised him. Before he arrived, we wrapped up the survey gathering. Some people pushed the governor into approving a kangaroo selection.

Prince Saka Olaoye, secretary of the Olaoye family, told DAILY POST on Monday that the kingmakers did not follow protocol.

He further mentioned that a letter protesting the selection had been sent to the Governor on behalf of the family.

They bypassed the proper channels. We’ve sent the Governor a letter. They didn’t do things the right way,” he said.

The Mogaji of the Olaoye family, Mr. Amos Olaoye, responded by saying that the Governor had made the right decision.

He suggested that the disgruntled group give the new Soun-elect some time and backing.

The Mogaji stated to JANESCOPE “The Governor has done the correct thing. Ogbomoso residents are grateful to him for doing this.

Different people will have various points of view. Only one of the twenty-five candidates will be chosen.

Those who are opposed to the Governor’s choice should relax, as he has already made his decision. We are all related.

I’m going to try to calm them down by appealing to them here. You can bet that people’s perspectives will vary. Will they resist if those who are most incensed are the ones chosen?

Former Ogbomoso Parapo Secretary Mr. Amos Ajekigbe also agreed that the kingmakers had acted appropriately in their response.

In a phone interview with JANESCOPE  on Monday, Ajekigbe said that the selection has the approval of all the town’s groups and organisations.

I agree with this choice. The family was consulted by the kingmaker’s leader, and one of the proposed candidates was chosen.

Prince Afolabi Ghandi Olaoye was elected king by a vote of the kingmakers. The selection has the backing of the Ogbomoso Parapo, the Ogbomoso Consultative Council, and numerous other organizations. “The selection has the backing of the Muslims and the Christians,” he proclaimed.

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