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“Come to Cameroon, or you’ll die”: Ambazonian fighters caution Okocha and Amokachi about accepting Eto’o’s invitation

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A separatist group has threatened that Nigerian football stars who accept the invitation from Samuel Eto’o, the president of the Cameroonian Football Association, to participate in a ceremonial tournament on Thursday, November 30, 2023, in Victoria City, Cameroon, risk death.

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The alert was sent via a voicemail that one Comrade Chris Anon, posing as the leader of the Ambazonia Interim Government situated in the United States of America, left for the correspondent of Janescope.

To foster ties and the growth of football in Cameroon, Eto’o invited prominent international football players, especially those from Nigeria, to the competition.

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The former captain of Nigeria’s national football team, Austin Jay Jay Okocha, along with Daniel Amokachi and other former Super Eagles players, received a warning from the Restoration Fighters of the Ambazonia Interim Government, who are fighting for the independence of Southwest Cameroon, not to accept Eto’o’s invitation.

They made it clear that if they disregard the warning, their security won’t be ensured.

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The competition, according to Anon, was a mockery of the Ambazonian people.

On Thursday, November 30, 2023, the separatist organization issued an order for a complete lockdown of Victoria City and all of Fago County.

The organization issued a stay-in warning to the locals, emphasizing that disobeying the order would result in death.

“The Restoration Fighters of Ambazonia Control Victoria and entire county and are committed to ensuring the lockdown,” some of the voicemail said. We will not waver in our resolve to protect the authenticity of the Ambazonian independence movement. Those who try to disobey the lockdown will not be tolerated.

It is imperative to underscore the gravity of the circumstances and to advise against any activities that can be erroneously interpreted as being in accordance with propaganda.

“Samuel Eto’o’s proposed football match is highly contentious; it is an imprudent and callous endeavor.

“It is really concerning that Nigerian international players were included in this decision.

“There are grounds for concern given the tournament’s time and location.

“We sincerely and vehemently advise Jay Jay Okocha, Daniel Amokachi, and other individuals who are planning and publicizing their participation in the tournament to think twice before going ahead, as their actions could unintentionally lead to violence.

“We can’t help but question Samuel Eto’o’s choice to hold this competition in Victoria, an area of Ambazonian territory that has seen fighting for more than seven years, resulting in the deaths of 30,000 Ambazonian citizens.

“It raises legitimate concerns about the possibility of the situation being exploited for goals that are not optimal for Victoria and Ambazonia as a whole.”

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