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“I Was Shot In The Head When I Was Abducted,” Says After Being Set Free

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Former DVC for Academics at the University of Ibadan, Professor Adigun Agbaje, has described how gunmen kidnapped him and five other victims.

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According to reports, Agbaje, a political science professor in the faculty of social sciences, together with other travelers, were kidnapped last Friday.

According to reports, Agbaje and some of the victims are now free. In a thank-you note to himself, the don mentioned that five other persons were still held captive when he was freed on Sunday.

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They were brought to dense woodlands between the states of Ogun and Oyo, according to Agbaje, who underlined this in a statement made on his behalf by one of his sons, Adewale Agbaje.

While recounting how he and other travelers were taken hostage, Agbaje insisted that he was shot in the head.

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For his discharge, he expressed gratitude to the university’s former vice chancellors and his coworkers at home and abroad.

As soon as his physicians have given him the all-clear, he said, he would talk more about the incident.

My father, Professor Adigun Agbaje, who was just freed from captivity, has asked me to make the following statement on his behalf.

Today is a brand-new day, and I’m grateful to still be here. I was held captive for two nights in the dense woodlands of Ogun and Oyo states before being freed by my captors yesterday evening.

My thoughts turn to the five people still being held captive by the kidnappers: two young women, two young males, and a middle-aged man.

I received a headshot during the kidnapping. I praise God that, despite leaving a large hole in the helmet I was wearing, the bullet that passed through the windscreen of my car merely grazed the skin of my head.

My heart goes out to those young female college students, the young males, and the middle-aged individual I left behind with the captors, as I’ve already said.

Although I may not be approachable right now, I will thank everyone of you personally as soon as my physicians have given me the all-clear.

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